To register VAT in Saudi Arabia, you require certain relevant and important documents in hand. Since July 2020 VAT has been imposed in Saudi Arabia. VAT or Value Added Tax refers to a form of indirect tax on consuming goods or services during the sale. BMS provides efficient and accessible VAT registration services in Saudi Arabia. 

VAT Registration in Saudi Arabia

Businesses liable for VAT registration in Saudi Arabia should register via the General Authority of Zakat & Tax (GAZT) web portal. According to the annual value of taxable products, the deadlines for registration are published by GAZT. Let us take a glimpse at the VAT registration process in Saudi Arabia:

Documents Required for VAT Registration in Saudi Arabia

There are certain documents you require for VAT registration in Saudi Arabia:

  • Name of the business, which includes ID information or name of the concerned individual
  • Address, such as email and other contact details
  • Electronic identification number provided by the GAZT, if any
  • CR (Commercial Registration) number
  • Mention the date of VAT registration, or a requested alternative date
  • The annual worth of taxable products

Timeline for VAT Registration in KSA

The VAT registration process is done online, through the GAZT portal. The process takes about 10 to 14 working days to get your business registered under GAZT. 

How to obtain Tax Identification Number (TIN) in Saudi Arabia?

The TIN number is found on the VAT certificate or the invoice, and in any communication between GAZT and the taxpayers, or on one of the documents issued by the GAZT. 

VAT Registration services in Saudi Arabia

BMS has been providing VAT services in Saudi Arabia to assist your business in VAT registration easily and effectively by:

  • Reducing and streamlining the VAT registration process
  • Preventing hurdles in compliance
  • Saving time with quicker registration 

BMS Auditing also helps you sell into other member states with a single registration process and return. Relax and let the BMS team handle starting from VAT registration, VAT Return Filing in KSA, etc., and you can save time and resources, thus focusing on the new markets. 

BMS Auditing is one of the approved Tax Agents. We cover all the elements of VAT and provide the best VAT services in UAEKSAQatarBahrainOmanIndiaUK and USA. Our VAT services include:

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